Training Events
Encouraging every leader to cross every Threshold!
Bible College In A Day
We are bringing seminary level teaching to you by creating space in your ministry setting for leaders to experience transformative growth. All three Threshold training events will have times of worship, prayer, reflection, and community.
The initial Leadership Discovery Threshold serves as the cornerstone training event, setting the stage for all subsequent training sessions. These sequential threshold events must be pursued in order for optimal training outcomes. Let’s start well so we can finish well!
Upcoming Training Events
Sample Training Event Content & Schedule

Discovery Threshold
Start Here!
Weekend 9a-3p Schedule:
8:30-9a Coffee Time
9a Worship
9:20a Module 1: Leadership Perspective
10:05a Module 2: Leadership Values
10:50a Module 3: Practicing Greatness
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30p-Module 4: Leadership Darkside
1:30p Module 5: Leader’s Core
2:30-3p Module 6: Action Items
Development Threshold
See God work in the “in between” times!
Weekend 9a-3p Schedule:
8:30-9a Coffee Hour
9a Worship
9:20a Module 1: Doing & Being
10:05a Module 2: Differentiation
10:50a Module 3: Major Role
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30p-Module 4: Leadership Transitions
1:30p Module 5: Leadership Barriers
2:30-3p Module 6: Action Items

Deployment Threshold
Leadership Deployment multiplies what God gives and focuses on finishing well!
Weekend 9a-3p Schedule:
8:30-9a Coffee Hour
9a Worship
9:20a Module 1: Leadership Teams
10:05a Module 2: Convergence
10:50a Module 3: Multiplication
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30p-Module 4: Leaving a Legacy
1:30p Module 5: Finishing Well
2:30-3p Module 6: Action Items
Weekend Retreats
Below is an example of how we can adapt the Discovery, Development, and Deployment Thresholds into a weekend retreat model. Each Threshold builds upon the next, so each Threshold needs to be taken sequentially.
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mk 6:31
Onsite & Offsite Fri/Sat
Two Modules at current ministry setting Friday Afternoon Two Modules Off Site One Hour From Ministry Campus Day Retreat Off Site Saturday Four Modules All Modules
Leadership Thresholds Retreats aim to encourage and provide enhanced insights into your personal development and help you discover a deeper understanding of God’s calling on your life.
In moments like these, you learn as much from the people around you as you will learn from the facilitator.

Let’s Connect!
We welcome the opportunity to help you develop leaders who start well, differentiate, and finish well!
Typically, churches schedule a training event on a Saturday, followed by a Sunday service.
Please click the booking link to explore how we can collaborate in advancing leadership development together. If for whatever reason you don’t see an option, then email us and we will get right back with you to discuss other options.